Friday, August 3, 2012

Weird and Wild:The Scat Sniffing Dog

The dog sniffs out poop to see how the scat population is increasing and how many animals are in that particular area. The dog helps to find where the animals are going and what their diet is. I find this funny that you can train a dog to sniff out other animals poop.

House GOPer Compares Free Birth Control Day

Today is "free" birth control day and I agree with kelli that it is not free because you have to pay for it thru premimums and other forms of birth control and it is expensive in the fact that the government says what you can have and what they will cover so if you have an IUD in and decied to have it taken out you can not have anything reinplanted for five years which is crazy and I think the government needs to BUTT OUT when it comes to our bodies.

Chick-fil-A Leaps Into Controversy

Chick-Fil-A is under fire for the president saying that he feels gays marriage is wrong and so now there is a nation wide boy cot of the Chick-Fil-A stores which I feel is nuts because of the fact that just because he had an opinion that is different from what everybody else thinks. I feel that just because his view is different is no reason to cause riots. I am in favor of same sex marriage but I can also see other points of views.

Britsih Court Convicts Couple in Daughters 'Honor' Murder

A British Court convicted two Pakistan couple for murdering their seventeen year old daughter back in 2009 after one of their daughters was arrested in making plans to rob her parents house and the daughter told the police that she had seen her father attack her sister and the mom finally admitted to seeing her husband attack their daughter due to she had been wearing "normal" clothing instead of the normal Pakistanie clothing that is required and the daughter refused the arragened marriage that is normal. I feel that some religious rights are to harsh and that if you are in the USA you need to understand that what laws are legal in their home country is not legal here.

Friends Toast Shooting Victim Alex Teves

Family members of Alex Teves shared stories about how Alex was the glue that held the group together and was one of the shooting victims on July 20th at the viewing of The Dark Knight Rises. I feel for his family and I think that it's a good idea to remeber the positive aspect of the lifes of the victims and not the negatives that happened. It was tragic but all the people that night that helped to get others out were heros.

Drew Peterson Trial

I read an article in the Chicago Times about how Drew Peterson had said that he was going to kill his thrid wife and that she wasn't going to make it to the divorce settlement and then a few days later she wound up dead and then he managed to get away with it for months because of the fact that he was a police officer which I find stupid that he got away with it just because he was a cop. Also, it doesn't look good that he cleaned out the tub because there was blood in it and if she drowned as he claims there wouldn't be any blood. I personally feel that he should get charged with the two murders of his wifes.

Free Whooping Cough Vaccines Available.

I read an article in the LA Times about how whooping cough vaccines are becoming available for free and I think it's a really good idea considering how much of a come back it is having especially in larg cities and larger school districts.With the TDap shot it already has the vaccine in it to help with keeping whooping cough from spreading.